
You could also be an explorer!

If you want to share some treasure from this 4 areas, which are taking part in the project – write to us! Mayby you know some more stories or you have some very interesting details?

You need to write description of this object, place (or whatever you think could be interesting) - history connected with it, where it could be found, etc., make a few pictures and send it to us -

We will put it to this website, with the information about the explorer.

20.08.2015 – Looking for the treasures with the children

On this day some volunteers, engaged in the project TYI - Forgotten Treasures, prepared activities for the children in the GOKiR Krempna office. There were some games and the most important part – all children needed to chose their own treasure from Krempna and their local area. Next they prepared pictures and placed them on the big map of Krempna community. The example of the treasures choosen by children: wooden churches, animals, mountains, river, houses etc.

II Transnational Project Meeting 2015 - Šiauliai, Lithuania

28.06 - 01.07.2015r. there was second meeting of the project: Transnational Youth Initiatives "Forgotten Treasures - Let’s disover it!"

4 groups of youth from different countries: Poland, Croatia, Hungary and of course Lithuania, again met in the same place. The reason of the meeting was to make a summary of the work from the last few months, done by all groups - to achieve goals and to accomplish tasks of the project: to find and describe treasures from their local area.

During this meeting there was prepared an exhibition of photographs of all the treasures, chosen by youngsters which are participating in the project. The exhibition was held in the University Library of Šiauliai.

Zdjęcia ze spotkania

27.06.2015 – Local meeting of polish group on the old Lemko cemetery in Swierżowa Ruska

This time the meeting was prepared in the middle of the forest. One of the treasure of polish group is old, Lemko cemetery in Świerżowa Ruska. All participants went there to see this place, and to listen some information about this treasure. For some of them it was the first time, when they had possibility to see this place and to meet with this kind of history. More about this treasure: go to the old cemetery in Świerżowa Ruska on TREASURES.

25.04.2014 - meeting in Huta Polańska

This time the whole polish group met in the place of our first treasure - chapel in the forest in Huta Polańska. The weather finally was great:)

We had a chance to hear a piece of a history about this place from former inhabitant. We met with man who escaped from this place when he was 12 years old. There was a village before World War II, around 60 houses. He with his family and neighbours needed to escape from their houses - becasue there were battles between the Russian and the German army in this area. They never came back to their houses, everything was destroyed. Now we can find there just a chapel, reconstrated church and some ruins, stones in the middle of the forest.

Meeting of polish group with baker in a local bakery;)

Polish group had the meeting in the small bakery. As one of the treasure is bread – group decided to met with baker and to see process of preparing bread. The results you could see in the description of treasure - BREAD

Treasures were chosen

All groups decided what are their local treasures! For more look to the TREASURES

I Transnational Project Meeting: Huta Polańska – Krempna, Poland

There was first Transnational Project Meeting of Forgotten Treasure – Let’s discover it – Transnational Youth Initiative in Hajstra.

There were 4 groups of Poland, Croatia, Lithuania and Hungary. It was the first time when youth met partners of the initiative. They had an opportunity to talk about tasks and opinion about the new project they are participating . Guests had also possibility to know a little region of Krempna and its attractions – museum of Magura National Park, local minority Lemkos.

Photos in the gallery

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